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  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
  • [English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer
[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer

送料:全国一律料金540円 ご注文金額3,980円以上で無料

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[English] Non-Iron Hanger Dryer

This is a compact "hanger-type" dryer that removes wrinkles. Perfect for those who are concerned about the smell of damp clothes!




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Size Main unit (with arms and airbags attached): Width: 1550mm; Depth: 130mm; Height: 1000mm
Weight about 700g
Power Supply AC100V 50/60Hz
Power Consumption 620W
Timer 15-180 minutes
Load capacity about 5kg
Safety Device Fuse (10A), Temperature fuse (121℃), Thermostat (85℃), safety switch in case of tipping over
Material Body: ABS, nylon, steel, PVC
Arm: ABS
Airbag: Polyester
Cable Length about 180cm
Set Contents Main unit, arms (one each for left and right), airbags, Instruction Manual
Model number/JAN White: HRNCLSSWH/4580060600014
Black: HRNCLSBK/4580060600007
Notes ※This product is for indoor use only.
※Nothing other than what is listed is included.
Package Size Width: 255mm; Depth: 155mm; Height: 300mm
Weight (including packaging) about 1.4kg
Warranty Period 12 months from date of purchase
Release Date 2024/9/30

※Specifications may be changed without notice for improvement purposes.


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No more hassle with ironing! A compact, hanger-type dryer that removes wrinkles

Why not put an end to the hassle of ironing?
One machine that can both dry and remove wrinkles!
The hanger-type dryer "Iron-less" makes your daily housework a little easier, and is now available in two colors, white and black.
It dries freshly washed shirts and other items in as little as 30 minutes, while simultaneously removing wrinkles.

Removes wrinkles without the need for ironing

The "Iron-less" dryer removes wrinkles without the need for an iron.
It dries clothes by blowing out hot air at about 65℃ from the main unit, so the drying process can be completed in as little as 30 minutes!
It also removes wrinkles and dries them crisply, so no ironing is required.

The size can be adjusted with the drawstring and the zipper at the collar, so it can fit anything from S to LL!
Also, it has a timer so you can rest assured! It can be used on materials that are sensitive to heat by switching between hot and cold.

The biggest improvement from the previous model is "ultra-compactness"

It's super compact and has a hanger design, so you won't have any trouble finding a place to store it! You can leave it hanging on a rack, or it can be disassembled so you can store it on a shelf or somewhere else.

How to use 3 steps

It's very easy to use.
1. Place the washed, dried shirt into the airbag.
2. Start the timer and the airbag will inflate and the drying process will begin.
3. Once the airbag has inflated, the key to a neat finish is to smooth out any wrinkles!
Then all you have to do is wait until drying is complete.

Available in two colors


This year, it comes in two colors: white and black.
With a matte texture and unified design, it blends in with any interior.

Items that don't require ironing and can't be dried

Staff Comments

A real review from someone who actually used it!

pr1 pr2 pr3 pr4 pr5 pr6

Size details

Operating Instructions



Size Main unit (with arms and airbags attached): Width: 1550mm; Depth: 130mm; Height: 1000mm
Weight about 700g
Power Supply AC100V 50/60Hz
Power Consumption 620W
Timer 15-180 minutes
Load capacity about 5kg
Safety Device Fuse (10A), Temperature fuse (121℃), Thermostat (85℃), safety switch in case of tipping over
Material Body: ABS, nylon, steel, PVC
Arm: ABS
Airbag: Polyester
Cable Length about 180cm
Set Contents Main unit, arms (one each for left and right), airbags, Instruction Manual
Model number/JAN White: HRNCLSSWH/4580060600014
Black: HRNCLSBK/4580060600007
Notes ※This product is for indoor use only.
※Nothing other than what is listed is included.
Package Size Width: 255mm; Depth: 155mm; Height: 300mm
Weight (including packaging) about 1.4kg
Warranty Period 12 months from date of purchase
Release Date 2024/9/30

※Specifications may be changed without notice for improvement purposes.



